Okay well today was harder than we anticipated. Charlotte stored up all of her emotion and crying (screaming) for today. First, we were having trouble getting her to eat. She would just not take any bottle I brought. When we met our guide she said we needed to cut the hole even bigger and maybe make it thicker. We went back to the civil affairs office to sign our Chinese portion of the paperwork. While we were there I was able to get Charlotte to drink about 5 oz. of juice, yeah! Then after leaving she was very hungry and letting us know about it. She screamed. We tried to make a bottle thick-well it gaged her. So she screamed all the way back to the hotel. Oh and I did not tell you that immediately after we got moving in the van she started to dry heave (nothing in her stomach to throw up) so she is definitely motion sick in vehicles. Please start praying now for our flight home. I came back to the hotel with Ethan and Charlotte and Jay and the other Dad with us went to the Chinese Walmart for some supplies. Charlotte would not let me console her at all and actually pushed me away. I finally just laid her down and let her cry herself to sleep. She slept and I of course had a break down. When she woke from her nap I tried just formula with the bigger slit nipple and she took it-praise God!! She was very alert after that. She played with her toys and smiled and laughed for us for about an hour and a half. We were so happy to see that. It did wonders for our heart. Then she closed up again but did take another bottle and went to sleep hopefully for the night. So we saw a glimmer of hope which will continue we know. Ethan is doing really well, he is a big help but it is hard on him to not have Charlotte interact with him yet, so say an extra prayer for him if you can. So that's where we are. Looking forward to lots more smiles and laughs tomorrow. Here are a couple of pics from our happy time.
Love you guys,
Carla, Jay, Ethan and Charlotte
Love you guys,
Carla, Jay, Ethan and Charlotte
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