Well another full day today. First we went for the Medical Exam for Charlotte's Visa. It was pretty easy, we just had to wait in 3 different lines. She weighed 21 pounds with all of her clothes on. Not too bad for only taking formula and juice. She continues to do well and play and smile. She has also starting laying her head on our shoulder which is so sweet. She trusts us more and more everyday. After the exam we went shopping on the island "Shaiman Island." Lots of good deals and stuff for adoptive families. I was able to get 6 pairs of squeaky shoes for about $3 each. A girl can never have too many shoes right. Ethan had fun looking in all the stores as well, he is always a big hit with the Chinese women. We had lunch at a western restaraunt Lucy's which Jay described as a little bit of deep fried heaven. Then we hung out in the hotel with friends and ordered pizza. Kind of felt like we were in college again, just with kids. It was fun to hang out and fellowship. Tomorrow we have a free morning and are then going on one more power shopping trip. I only have a couple of pictures today. We left the memory card in the hotel today and had to use the internal memory on the camera. We don't have the cord to download. I am posting pics of our party in the hallway, so enjoy. We miss everyone and can't wait to be home.
Love to you all.
Carla, Jay, Ethan and Charlotte
Love to you all.
Carla, Jay, Ethan and Charlotte
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